From May 2024 to Early 2025 our building, Saint-Marc’s ecumenical centre, is undergoing extensive renovations and changes. The aim is to create apartments and an office upstairs, and re-model several rooms downstairs. There are 4 Stages.

  • Stage 1 : 29th April – end July Repairs to the roof and structure.
  • Stage 2: (this is the one that will affect us most) 6th May – end July (or August) Remodelling downstairs: salle Cana, (where we worship) corridors, salle Galilée, salle de prière, stairs (east side). During this time, we’ll need to take a round about way to reach : the upstairs, the toilets, the kitchen !
  • Stage 3 : September and October upstairs west side
  • Stage 4 : November – December upstairs east side

Once Stage 2 is finished, we will be able to have all our activities and storage downstairs, which will be a big improvement. The other 2 stages will not affect us much.